Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Having A Fire Claim With An Insurance Company

Fire Claim – For many homeowners, there is simply nothing worse than dealing with a house fire. Each year, thousands of people lose their homes and belongings to fire. Most are hopefully insured, and by filing a fire claim they stand the chance of at least receiving money to help them start over. Even homeowners with insurance often find themselves at odds with their insurance companies and unfortunately must fight for their settlement.

Quickly assessing the damage is the first step. Catalog all of your belongings on paper, starting with the biggest, and check off the ones that are damaged or destroyed as you go through the house. If you quickly know what is gone up front, your insurance company should have a harder time denying the claim.

You should also take a lot of photographs of the house. Be certain you get both the inside as well as the outside’s damage. Big and expensive things like stereos and antique dressers should also be documented. Pictures of the extent of the fire will help base your claim with your insurance company.

Request through your insurance company that an adjuster is assigned to your case quickly. The adjuster must come out and assess the house’s damage before you and the company can move forward. The adjuster will inform the company if your home isn’t safe to live in and you will receive a living expense allowance.

Although it may be difficult, your best bet is to work with your insurance company. Supplying documents and photographs and returning any phone calls will help get you a better settlement. If your insurance company is showing signs of putting up a fight, working with them can often calm the waters.

If the unfortunate happens and the company puts up a fight, you must be prepared to do so too. Take a stand for your property and belongings. Insurance companies are great at finding tiny loop holes that gets them out of paying. Hire a good lawyer who can help you seek justice, he or she will be able to determine whether or not you have a viable case. If you do, your lawyer will go after the insurance company until they pay up.

It can be extremely hard, handling all of the aftermath of a fire. Sadly, a lot of homeowners have to face these situations while fighting their insurance providers. By evaluating the house’s damage, taking many pictures, and cooperating with the adjuster, you can assist in moving everything along. But in order to get the fire claim settlement you deserve, you may have to obtain an independent appraiser and execute the Appraisal Clause found in your policy.

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