Thursday, March 22, 2018

Affordable Health Insurance

There is nothing more important than finding affordable health insurance, preferably sooner rather than later. Without affordable health insurance, illnesses can become much more disastrous than otherwise. If you get sick, and you do not have good health coverage, it is amazing how quickly the bills will pile up. In a worse case scenario, the absence of affordable health care insurance can mean death as you will not be able to pay for any of the expensive treatments that some serious illnesses require. And once it is too late, it is too late.

This happened to a cousin of mine, and I would like to share her story to make sure that more people do not make the same mistake that she did. She never bothered wit getting an affordable health care plan, being young and healthy and figuring that she did not need it. Suddenly, her health seemed to change. Although she ignored it for a very long time, she was finally forced to take notice and found out that she had come down with cancer. If she had gotten affordable health insurance, it would have been treatable, but the treatments were so expensive that she simply could not afford it. Her family helped her out, and we had all types of fund raisers for her, but without affordable health insurance she could not undergo sufficient treatment. And once she was sick, she had what is known as a prior condition, which means that insurance companies would not cover her because she was already sick.

It is important to be thorough in your search for affordable health insurance, and not give up until you find it. The most affordable health insurance programs are run through employers. They are able to by their health care in bulk, and that allows them to get discounted rates, which they can then pass on to their employees. If you are self-employed, however, it is much harder for you to find affordable health insurance, and you might find yourself paying quite high rates for the coverage that you can find. Of course, it is possible to band together with other self-employed people and buy a group rate plan in the same way that businesses do, but this can be hairy and difficult to achieve. Just make sure that, one way or another, you are covered just in case the worst case does occur.

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