Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Cruise Insurance: Should You Buy It?

Consider these facts before you make a decision on whether you want to buy cruise insurance or not. Fact number one: Cruises are typically undertaken to sunny beaches, when the weather at home is cold, i.e. winter. Fact number two: Cruises are not like airlines. They are not just a means of going somewhere; they are the destination, in most cases. Fact number three: Cruises cost a lot of money and are typically booked months in advance.

Now ask yourself whether you can afford to lose the money you paid up for a cruise, if you are unable to make the cruise. For example, when this year’s winter storms hit, most cruise lines departed on schedule. However, passengers from the Northeast, especially those from the DC area, could not make it. Without cruise travel insurance, they lost all the money they had paid.

Also, it pays to remember that cruises are unlike air travel. Cruise operators spend millions of dollars for the entertainment, food, accommodation, and other extras that they offer on board. If a cancelled ticket means that one less person will travel on the cruise, it represents a loss, however small It might be. And this can add up over time.

Be wary of “insurance” that is merely credit for a future cruise, however. These do not include any medical coverage, which is an important part of cruise travel insurance. Research cruise insurance plans before purchasing your cruise ticket, so that you can buy the insurance as soon as you make the payment for the cruise.

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