Sunday, March 8, 2020

Travelguard Insurance

Some years, you simply need to make many international trips; a situation that begs for annual travel insurance. Making several trips can be for various reasons: maybe your significant other is in a foreign country; maybe your business dealings take you far and away; or maybe the year is just one that you have devoted to travel.

Whatever be your reasons, the best option in such a situation is clearly a year travel insurance plan. Annual travel plans typically offer medical benefits and other travel insurance benefits, but do not offer trip cancellation insurance. Some plans, such as TravelGuard’s Annual Travel Insurance plan, offer trip cancellation insurance up to a set amount per year (in this case, $1,000), or per-trip ($2,500 maximum).

The TravelGuard plan also includes the following benefits: medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, baggage delay or loss, travel document protection, pet care at home, hotel overbooking, and renter’s collision insurance. The plan also offers additional services that come in handy during travel.

Some of these services include travel advisory services, emergency message relaying, translation services, medical referrals and case monitoring services, and assistance in case travel documents are lost. As always, it is best to read the insurance document carefully before purchase.

Travel tip: When considering annual travel insurance, make a realistic assumption about the number of international trips you will undertake. Sometimes, the cost of purchasing two plans may be less than an annual travel insurance plan. 

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