Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Short Term Individual Health Insurance

Having an affordable individual health insurance package is considered as one of the best benefits of being employed. However, unemployed individuals should not think that they need to look for a job in order to have health insurance. As a matter of fact, there are several available options for health insurance for the unemployed.

One of the available options would be to get a short term health insurance policy. Short term health insurance policies or temporary health insurance plans can provide you with health and medical coverage for a limited time. They are advisable for those who are between jobs or those who are just waiting for their regular health insurance plan to start. Although you need to be the one to pay for the premiums, they are usually very affordable, allowing those who do not have regular employment to avail of them.

Short term health insurance policies offer plenty of benefits that are similar to the benefits offered by other regular health insurance policies. These benefits would include coverage for surgeries, hospital care, diagnostic tests, emergency services, prescription drugs, follow-up doctor’s visits and even mental health care and home health care, depending on the type of short term health insurance package you would be getting. To help you in choosing which plan to get, you might want to review the benefits offered by each one and see which one would suit your needs the best.

However, keep in mind that most of these plans require you to get pre-certification from your insurer before being hospitalized (except for emergency services). Without pre-certification, your hospital expenses might not be reimbursed. Make sure to ask the insurance company on what their policies are to avoid problems later on.

Applying for short term individual health insurance is usually easier and simpler than applying for standard or long-term health insurance plans. You can easily apply for one online and your coverage can start within just 24 hours. If you interested in getting a short term health insurance policy, search for insurance companies that are offering them and ask for free quotes that would be able to help you make an informed decision.

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