Monday, February 10, 2020

Arizona Home Insurance – How Much Coverage Is Enough?

Arizona home insurance is usually viewed as either a necessary evil or an evil necessity. In either case, Arizona home insurance is required of every home owner holding a mortgage. Not to be confused with title insurance, Arizona home insurance covers the house, other property buildings, and furnishings.

Consumers also have the option of buying additional “riders” that are meant to cover losses of expensive clothing, furniture, electronics, and jewelry.

Flood insurance is a separate policy that is required in certain areas prone to flooding due to storms. There is mandatory and optional coverage. If you live in a flood plain you will be required to purchase flood insurance. Without this coverage, you could lose everything in a storm such as a hurricane. If you aren’t in a flood plain it’s not a bad idea to have this type of coverage just in case. No one really knows how far flood waters can reach!

Each state has some type of agency or board of overseers that regulates the state’s insurance companies. These boards not only monitor insurance rates, they also act as an investigation force if you have a complaint about your insurance company. If you have a problem that you can’t resolve using the regular channels, contact your state’s agency and ask how to file a formal complaint. The board will do a preliminary investigation and keep you posted as it progresses.

Insurance is expensive. To reduce the overall costs you may consider opting for a higher default deductible. You can also reduce your estimated value for furniture. This is an area where many consumers tend to over purchase and over pay.

Choose select items based on their individual value – antiques, designer made, custom built, etc. You don’t need to insure that hall table.

Also make sure you are insuring your home for replacement value, not what you paid for your home. If you have used the same company for years you may not pay attention to anything except the renewal notices, and not review the policy.

If you ever have trouble getting a claim paid, or if you believe your insurance company should be paying more, hire a public adjuster. They will deal with the insurance company on your behalf. They understand the industry, they know the laws, and they will more than likely get what you deserve. They will even go back and renegotiate older claims that have already been paid.

Quickly learn all about Chandler home insurance and why you need it. Visit our great resources on Scottsdale car insurance and learn about insurance in these times.

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