Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Socialized Medicine- China Vs American Health Care

While most American’s are waiting with aspiration for a socialized medical care program mainland China is overhauling their structure to a more western privatized medical system. American’s assume that socialized medicine is an effective remedy to the dilemma of the increased cost of medical in this country, although actually they may perhaps simply be exchanging one group of a complications for another.

China is in the process of revamping their current system as it has produced lines for individuals just to have the ability to set an appointment to see a health care provider. Many having to camp out for quite a few days to get merely an appointment on the books with a professional for their declining liver or kidneys and each individual can solely schedule one appointment per day so this may mean that getting the entire family an appointment may possibly take many parents several days to complete. Most appointments are in fact full by sunrise and scalpers get in line and extend their places to the highest payers.

In China, all those who have money don’t wait in line, they merely make their appointments without issue, but for those that are obtaining their medical care coverage by way of the government they could die waiting in line to attain that appointment they need in order to save their life. A number of American’s boast that other countries with socialized medicine don’t have the complications that we have however this is a structure which brings with it its own assortment of complications and issues.

Allowing everyone equal coverage may have its benefits but it will definitely come with some pitfalls as the more people in the system and the sicker that they are, the more difficult it will become just to get to see a doctor. And the best doctors will come with the highest wait times causing some to never receive the care that they need to improve their health situation.

The bottom line is that no matter what the government does to supplement the cost of health care in the United States , there still are problems with the system. Shifting these complaints from one aspect of the system to another may just wind up with more people receiving less quality care and this over time could be a big fault of socialized medicine. And reducing costs to those individuals who can’t afford health care may put too many people into an already stressed health care system.

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